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out of the normal range. That means the liver was not functioning. Normally, SGOT is 17 mu / cc, and SGPT is 13 mu/cc maximum.

Wardoyo had a very high SGOT and SGPT and the doctor diagnosed that Wardoyo got the hepatitis B infection. It is also causing a chronic hepatitis and cyrosis (hardening of the liver) and could eventually develop into liver cancer.

After being in the hospital for a full week without any improvement, he decided to look for an alternative remedy. He went to another clinic without any results.

The Treatment

Then, during an exhibition he was introduced to the Red Fruit Oil. He bought 2 bottles and consumed it 2 x 1 spoon daily. He also mixed it with jungle worm to recover from the hepatitis. The combination of the red fruit oil and jungle worm was very effective. He felt much better only within a few days after taking this mixture. He became stronger and stronger and did not have to vomit anymore.

The lab test showed that the SGOT and SGPT was going down. So, he kept consuming the pills while consuming the red fruit oil.




A Stronger Heart

A man from Pacitan worked with PT Pos Indonesia in Jakarta. His name is Mr. Koesdijono. He had difficulty breathing and was very weak because he had suffered a heart attack.

e got the heart attack in 1987 and had another one in 2004 because of not getting enough rest and not enough sleep. When Mr. Koesdijono had his second heart attack, he was working in his office. An ambulance took him to Harapan Kita hospital in Jakarta. He went straight into the emergency room. The doctor said that there were three problems in his pulse as it reached 80%. No way out except undergoing by pass surgery right away. The surgery went well and he was released from the hospital on February 16, 2004. He joined a rehabilitation group for a speedy recovery. He also did some



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Hak Cipta Tulisan Di Lindungi Oleh Hukum, dilarang mengutip sebagian atau seluruh isi dari tulisan ini dalam bentuk apapun tanpa ijin tertulis dari Penerbit Penebar Swadaya , Segala Tindakan yang Melanggar akan di tuntut sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku.


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