
buah merah
buah merah


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traditional herb from Papua, New Guinea, which is being called the red fruit oil. She consumed it before she went to Singapore. And as a result, before the surgery took place the cancer cells became smaller and smaller only within a week after taking the red fruit oil. She ended up not having any surgery, because after examination the doctor decided that it was not necessary anymore.

She shared with her friends of what had happened to her and suggested to all of them to consume the red fruit oil just for prevention.

Now, not only her, but also her mother is consuming the red fruit oil everyday .

Hepatitis B

In 1997 a man was hospitalized in a very weak state. His name is Wardoyo. He was in the army. His skin was yellow and the face very pale. The man was so hopeless and gave up to live. He couldn’t even react when people were visiting him in the hospital. Sometimes he touched his stomach with his hand because he was in so much pain. The reason for his weakness was caused by the virus Hepatitis B

Since 1986 he was always routinely checked up every two months. Because of his routine check up, he never expected to contract the hepatitis B virus. He started to get weak in 1993 without knowing what the problem was. His health condition decreased and he started to neglect it. He was too busy with his job and started to eat less also.

He didn’t have much of an appetite and wanted to vomit after every meal. He lost a lot of weight and the doctors suggested doing an intensive examination of the swollen stomach.

e was admitted to Pertamina Hospital in Cirebon. They took a blood test and the results were very bad. The SGPT and SGOT were totally



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Hak Cipta Tulisan Di Lindungi Oleh Hukum, dilarang mengutip sebagian atau seluruh isi dari tulisan ini dalam bentuk apapun tanpa ijin tertulis dari Penerbit Penebar Swadaya , Segala Tindakan yang Melanggar akan di tuntut sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku.


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